Anti-ss DNA Antibody (Anti-ssDNA IgG)
ELISA KIT # 3115, 96 Tests
For Quantitative Determination of ss-DNA Antibody In Human Serum
The presence of serum antibodies to native ds-DNA is one of the major
criterion for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). These autoantibodies are
rarely found in patients with other rheumatic diseases, and their levels especially
of those with complement fixing activity, often correlate with active disease. An
increase in anti-dsDNA antibodies > 30 IU/ml in less than 10 weeks in
conjunction with a decrease in C4 levels is a reliable indicator of exacerbation of
Antibody to ss-DNA are directed against the phosphate-deoxyribose
backbone of the DNA molecule, and appear to be generated due to preferential
activation of specific B cells and are not merely due to polyclonal B-cell
hyperactivity prior to exacerbation of SLE. The common DNA idiotype (Id),
designated 16/6 and encode by a germ line gene, is found in SLE and other
autoimmune disease. Immunization with hu MAb 16/6 as well as with T-cell lines
specific for the 16/6 Id causes SLE-like disease in mice.