Human Anti C1q IgG ELISA Kit
The microplate is coated with C1q. The antigen preparation is highly purified byaffinity chromatography. The Anti-C1q test is specific only for autoantibodiesdirected against Anti-C1q.The conjugate (anti-human IgG-HRP) used in the kit is designed to detect theIgG or its subtypes without any substantial reactivity with other subtypes (IgM,IgA etc). However, it is possible to use subtype specific anti-human IgG (IgG1-4)or IgM to determine the anti-C1q subtype specific in samples.Species crossreactivityThis kit is designed for human samples only and it has not been tested in otherspecies (such as monkey or animals). ADI also provide anti-C1q ELISA kit formouse samples (Cat # 5020)
Species crossreactivityThis kit is designed for human samples only and it has not been tested in otherspecies (such as monkey or animals). ADI also provide anti-C1q ELISA kit formouse samples (Cat # 5020).
Calibrators values Vs International reference:
Since no international reference preparations for Anti-C1q autoantibodies isavailable, the assay system is calibrated in arbitrary units.
The Anti-C1q ELISA is a diagnostic aid. A definite clinical diagnosis should notbe based on the results of a single test, but should be made by the physicianafter all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.
No interference has been observed with haemolytic (up to 1000 mg/dL), lipemic(up to 3 g/dL triglycerides) or bilirubin (up to 40 mg/dL) containing sera. Nor haveany interfering effects been observed with the use of anticoagulants. However forpractical reasons it is recommended that grossly hemolyzed or lipemic samplesshould be avoided.
更多產品信息,請聯系 Alpha Diagnostic 中國區總代理 北京博蕾德生物科技有限公司。